Thursday, 3 May 2007

Kids... reality shock!!

I was really shocked when i watched the film 'kids'. I could not believe it, every topic that was covered in this film is what happening with todays teenagers. It covered underage sex, underage drinking, smoking, drugs, parties, shoplifting, puberty... and most shockingly a rape scene and a massive section on how teens can end up with STI's. Another thing that was shocking was that it was so graphic.

The film has so many messages behind it. In the film two girls go to a clinic to have an STI check. The one girl who has slept with so many boys with no protection is clear from STI's. However the other girl has only slept with one boy, once with no protection but ends up with AIDS. The boy she sleeps with, within the film sleeps with another two girls not using a condom. This boys character comes across, as the typical guy who sleeps with loads of girls and makes false promises to girls that he loves them etc.

This film really is a wake up call, for teenagers as well as parents. It is so important, to use protection etc during sex. Another thing is this shows how much pressure it is on children to drink, smoke etc.

For more info and a review on this film look at the following site:

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