Wednesday, 2 May 2007


Vasakhi is the most important of all of the Sikh festivals. Sikhs come together and celebrate the most important day in their history, the birth day of the Khalsa. This is when Guru Gobind Singh Ji ordained the order of the Khalsa. Vasakhi is also a time to meet family and friends and celebrate. All over the world wherever Sikhs live, they walk from Gurdwara to Gurdwara and celebrate this fantastic event.

They then have the Nagar Keertan at local parks in each area. The Nagar Keertan is a pure celebration, and is an invitation to all regardless of caste, religion and creed to join the Sikhs in celebrating their religion and culture.

However this year all the Nagar Keertans were cancelled as their were many arguments from different religions and people were injured... Fingers crossed there is one next year.

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