Tuesday 6 March 2007

Smoking..... hot or not??

When i first sat in my lecture on smoking, i thought it was going to be a typical lesson of "smokings bad for you..." or "it causes lung cancer"... or "do you know what chemicals is in a fag??" But the lecture was suprisingly nothing like that! It focused on how the media and the film industry potray actors that smoke and a pattern emerged. It came across that smoking had the characteristics of being bad for a man and sexy for a woman. A typical example of a character smoking is Carrie Bradshaw in Sex and the City. This is the hit series that shows being in your middle or late 30's and being single is cool. Watching Carrie Bradshaw with her friends at a top resturaunt, partying, clubbing and drinking cosmopolitons and smoking one fag after the other shows that life couldn't get any better!! The way she smokes her fag... shows she has no cares in the world!!


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