Tuesday 8 May 2007

Response to Goddards weblog to Kids

After reading this response to Kids. I thought it was very interesting. Everyone is aloud to have their opinion on what they thought of this film. However i did agree with this weblog. This is because Goddard wrote that this film should not have been made. She was disgusted by what she saw. She also believed that their was no target audience as the film was completely immoral. I do not agree with this. This is because, this is what is happening within today's society. What was being shown in this film is what happens in today's society. There has been many times in the news about people binge drinking, people getting raped, under age drinking, smoking and taking drugs. I do believe that the way this film was made is very graphic but i believe that to parents and teenagers this is a wake up call!!


Sunday 6 May 2007

Body modification

I don't believe there is anything wrong with body modification. I feel that there is nothing wrong with people having their body pierced or having a tattoo. I also believe that there is nothing wrong with having 100 hundred body piercings. However i would like to know why people feel they need to have a lot of piercings and completely modify parts of their bodies. I do know that some cultures have a certain body modification, however i believe their is no difference between this culture and other cultures and religions that wear certain clothing that make them look different to society.

Here's a few sites on body modification:

Saturday 5 May 2007

Response to Sats thoughts weblog on Smoking

i agree with the Sats weblog on smoking. This is because she has said that the media and films make smoking out to be positive and attractive. I feel that this is true because he media portray the actors who smoke to be cool, sexy and care free. Sat then goes on to say that the lecture has mad her realise how much the media has an influence on the public especially teenagers. I also agree with this. This is because the media makes such a big impact on peoples lives. They create an image that many people feel they have to look like, dress like, walk like and generally be like.

Friday 4 May 2007

Response to Harvi's blog of being too religious

I agree with Harvi's blog to being too religious. This is because she disagrees with people preaching their religion upon other people. She believes that there is nothing wrong with being too religious however you should not inflict your beliefs on someone else. I 100% agree with what she has said. I also believe that people can take their religions too far and it can resort to war.

Thursday 3 May 2007

Kids... reality shock!!

I was really shocked when i watched the film 'kids'. I could not believe it, every topic that was covered in this film is what happening with todays teenagers. It covered underage sex, underage drinking, smoking, drugs, parties, shoplifting, puberty... and most shockingly a rape scene and a massive section on how teens can end up with STI's. Another thing that was shocking was that it was so graphic.

The film has so many messages behind it. In the film two girls go to a clinic to have an STI check. The one girl who has slept with so many boys with no protection is clear from STI's. However the other girl has only slept with one boy, once with no protection but ends up with AIDS. The boy she sleeps with, within the film sleeps with another two girls not using a condom. This boys character comes across, as the typical guy who sleeps with loads of girls and makes false promises to girls that he loves them etc.

This film really is a wake up call, for teenagers as well as parents. It is so important, to use protection etc during sex. Another thing is this shows how much pressure it is on children to drink, smoke etc.

For more info and a review on this film look at the following site:

Wednesday 2 May 2007


Vasakhi is the most important of all of the Sikh festivals. Sikhs come together and celebrate the most important day in their history, the birth day of the Khalsa. This is when Guru Gobind Singh Ji ordained the order of the Khalsa. Vasakhi is also a time to meet family and friends and celebrate. All over the world wherever Sikhs live, they walk from Gurdwara to Gurdwara and celebrate this fantastic event.

They then have the Nagar Keertan at local parks in each area. The Nagar Keertan is a pure celebration, and is an invitation to all regardless of caste, religion and creed to join the Sikhs in celebrating their religion and culture.

However this year all the Nagar Keertans were cancelled as their were many arguments from different religions and people were injured... Fingers crossed there is one next year.

Thursday 26 April 2007

Is it BAD... being too religious?

The start of the lecture was really strange. The lecturer started the lecture by doing a prayer and told us all to pray. It was really unusual and for some it was awkward. This was because the prayer was taken from the bible. Many people within the class were from different cultures, backgrounds and religions. So obviously the prayer to some was different and something they had never heard, but for the rest of the class the prayer was familiar. I feel that for some people the prayer was awkward because it was something different to what they already believed.

So is it bad to be too religious...

I've always known that Jehovah witnesses has always been a strict religion but never realised to what extent they were religious. they had to have a strict membership test before baptism, do door to door work and report on their findings, read many books, attend meetings, assemblies and conventions. They also are not aloud to drink alcohol, gamble have sex before marriage- however these things can also appear in other religions. They also do not celebrate Christmas, birthdays etc.

Some people may say that Jehovah's witnesses take their religion too far, by not celebrating their birthdays or doing door to door knocking. However i believe that you should never say anything bad about peoples beliefs as long as they are not trying to put their beliefs on another person or are mocking other religions. People therefore may believe that when Jehovah's witnesses go door to door knocking they should not try to inflict their beliefs on other people.

Each religion is different from each other and are all interesting to know about learning about peoples beliefs and cultures is always great to know as long as they are not being criticsed or mocked in any way.

Heres an official site for Jehovas witnesses:

Wednesday 25 April 2007


In the infidelity lecture we were asked how many people had been cheated on.... It was surprising to see that from a room full of people only a handful had been cheated on. However i feel the number of people that had been cheated on was a lot bigger then the amount of people who owned up to it. I feel that this was due to people feeling ashamed of being cheated on an thought it was humiliating!!

Its human nature to want to do something that is forbidden... Cheating on someone could be seen as an act of doing something dangerous and not getting caught. It could excitement in peoples lives. I believe that everyone is able to cheat on someone but its whether you go through with it or not.

Being cheated on must be the worst possible feeling especially in serious relationships or marriage. Because you put your trust and faith into someone and they hurt you in the most horriblest way possible.

Cheating breaks trust, loyalty, families, hearts and marriages.

Cheating can destroy people... and it can never just happen... Everyone has control on whether they cheat on someone. But its whether you go through with the act of deceit.

Heres a sight that tells you about infidelity and whether a mariage can survive:

Wednesday 18 April 2007


Stalking is defined in the dictionary as:

"to follow or observe (a person) persistently, especially out of obsession or derangement".

I believe stalking is an act of crime. It is repeatedly following someone or harassing someone to the point where it causes the person being stalked upset, alarmed, annoyed or intimidated. I believe that in some cases of stalking people are in fear of their lives and could end up in a result of being physically hurt or death.

In the lecture of stalking, a clip was shown in which a man hacks into a work colleagues computer and email address to find out whether she is interested in him. This clip i believe is wrong as he breaking her trust and confidentiality. But i believe that this has happened to a lot of people and its human nature to want to be nosey and find out gossip... but if the intentions are to stalk like any of the above then it is wrong!

Every person should be in control of their lives and should not live in fear of others. People should not feel intimidated by others in any way. I also believe that many who do stalk, could not be right mentally. Another issue is that just as much as women get stalked, so do men!

Tuesday 20 March 2007


The dictionary defines prostitution as:

"the act of engaging in sexual intercourse or performing other sex acts in exchange for money, or of offering another person for such purposes."

However is it prostitution to take money from someone expecting sex but not to supply it??

I believe that if you take money from a person who expects sex and that person does not give you sex, it can not be classified as prostitution. However i believe taking money from a person as they expect sex and you do not give it is wrong. I believe this is wrong as you are leading a person on and sometimes this can back fire! I also feel this is degrading, as you are taking money for something that within society can be depicted as socially disrespectful and is something that is frowned upon!!

I do not agree with prostitution as i think that there are so many different ways on getting jobs or help or finance. Another thing i find very difficult to believe is when you think of prostitutes people straight away assume only WOMEN can be prostitutes!! But so can MEN be prostitutes. There might be fewer men but men still can be prostitutes. Prostitution is not just degrading, but is dangerous. Women especially, are likely to get beaten up by their clients, get raped could have alcohol or drugs problems.

I believe that people who do this, could have a far more better life.

Friday 16 March 2007

So when is it right to shoplift??

During the lecture of shoplifting, many people had different views on whether it was right to shop lift. People in the lecture said in some cases it was okay to shoplift, however in some cases it was not. I've always been taught that any type of shop lifting is bad... However listening to others peoples views made me realise that some people shoplift because they have no choice.
So when is it right to shoplift? Is it okay to shoplift from a well known supermarket like Sainsbury's? But not to shoplift at a corner shop? Or is it okay to shoplift because your hungry and have no money? Or is it okay to shoplift if you live on the streets? Is it okay to shoplift if your child is hungry and you have no food, or your child needs nappies? Or is it wrong... is shoplifting completely wrong?
I believe that shoplifting is wrong no matter what. People who shoplift no matter how desperate they are, i believe ALWAYS have another choice. No matter how bad a situation is there is always an alternative in every case. Therefore i strongly believe that shoplifting is wrong!!


Tuesday 6 March 2007

Smoking..... hot or not??

When i first sat in my lecture on smoking, i thought it was going to be a typical lesson of "smokings bad for you..." or "it causes lung cancer"... or "do you know what chemicals is in a fag??" But the lecture was suprisingly nothing like that! It focused on how the media and the film industry potray actors that smoke and a pattern emerged. It came across that smoking had the characteristics of being bad for a man and sexy for a woman. A typical example of a character smoking is Carrie Bradshaw in Sex and the City. This is the hit series that shows being in your middle or late 30's and being single is cool. Watching Carrie Bradshaw with her friends at a top resturaunt, partying, clubbing and drinking cosmopolitons and smoking one fag after the other shows that life couldn't get any better!! The way she smokes her fag... shows she has no cares in the world!!


Thursday 15 February 2007

The Ph1000 Being Bad field trip

A suggestion for the Being Bad field trip could be to go to a night club or bar. This trip could be percieved as 'being bad' as it has elements such as smoking and alcohol. It could also lead to maybe people of a younger age in society, going wild. Going to a bar or club is where people have the chance to relax and unwind. With the influence of alcohol people may do things that they normally, on a day to day basis would not consider doing!!