Wednesday, 25 April 2007


In the infidelity lecture we were asked how many people had been cheated on.... It was surprising to see that from a room full of people only a handful had been cheated on. However i feel the number of people that had been cheated on was a lot bigger then the amount of people who owned up to it. I feel that this was due to people feeling ashamed of being cheated on an thought it was humiliating!!

Its human nature to want to do something that is forbidden... Cheating on someone could be seen as an act of doing something dangerous and not getting caught. It could excitement in peoples lives. I believe that everyone is able to cheat on someone but its whether you go through with it or not.

Being cheated on must be the worst possible feeling especially in serious relationships or marriage. Because you put your trust and faith into someone and they hurt you in the most horriblest way possible.

Cheating breaks trust, loyalty, families, hearts and marriages.

Cheating can destroy people... and it can never just happen... Everyone has control on whether they cheat on someone. But its whether you go through with the act of deceit.

Heres a sight that tells you about infidelity and whether a mariage can survive:

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