The dictionary defines prostitution as:
"the act of engaging in sexual intercourse or performing other sex acts in exchange for money, or of offering another person for such purposes."
However is it prostitution to take money from someone expecting sex but not to supply it??
I believe that if you take money from a person who expects sex and that person does not give you sex, it can not be classified as prostitution. However i believe taking money from a person as they expect sex and you do not give it is wrong. I believe this is wrong as you are leading a person on and sometimes this can back fire! I also feel this is degrading, as you are taking money for something that within society can be depicted as socially disrespectful and is something that is frowned upon!!
I do not agree with prostitution as i think that there are so many different ways on getting jobs or help or finance. Another thing i find very difficult to believe is when you think of prostitutes people straight away assume only WOMEN can be prostitutes!! But so can MEN be prostitutes. There might be fewer men but men still can be prostitutes. Prostitution is not just degrading, but is dangerous. Women especially, are likely to get beaten up by their clients, get raped could have alcohol or drugs problems.
I believe that people who do this, could have a far more better life.
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